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Maintaining Healthy Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is a critically important nutrient for optimal health. Here are 3 top ways to achieve and maintain a healthy blood level of vitamin D.

  1. Get regular, safe sun exposure. Even a few minutes a day with arms and/or legs exposed in warmer months will suffice. To protect your skin from the harmful rays, use an SFP of 15 or greater.
  2. Regularly consume foods containing vitamin D including cold-water fish like salmon, fortified dairy and cereal products, eggs, and shitake mushrooms.
  3. Take at least 2000 IU’s of vitamin D3 daily or as directed by your healthcare provider. I personally recommend Advanced D+K which can be purchased on Amazon.

It is recommended that you achieve at least 40 ng/ml to 50 ng/ml of vitamin D in your blood stream.